Drapery Cleaning

Draperies and curtains can breathe life into a room, providing beautiful dressing for windows and adding personality and depth to the look of any space. Unfortunately, these types of window dressings tend to accumulate dust, dirt, allergens, and oils over time, which can lead to major headaches when it comes time for spring cleaning.

Lovitt Blinds & Drapery provides Downers Grove, IL & all of Chicago area residents with quality blind cleaning and drapery cleaning services at our shop or right in your home, saving you the time and hassle of doing it yourself. Your draperies don’t even need to be taken down and re-hung; our experienced staff utilizes gentle, eco-friendly methods on-site to keep your blinds and draperies looking their best. 

Drapery fabrics don’t respond to cleaning chemicals and methods in the same way as other home linens. Hiring a professional drapery cleaning service guarantees that your window dressings will remain vibrant and avoid damage, color washout, or shrinkage that can be caused by inexpert cleaning methods.

Drapery Cleaning Services

We’re experts in cleaning all types of draperies, including:

Whether you’re planning a party, hosting guests in little-used rooms, thinking of selling your home, or simply want to give your window dressings a refreshing deep-clean, Lovitt Blinds & Drapery is your best bet for blind and drapery cleaning in Downers Grove, IL, and the surrounding areas.

Freshly cleaned window treatments are the quickest way to transform the look of your home. Call our Downers Grove location at (630) 729-0236 today to discuss your options with a qualified blind cleaning and drapery cleaning professional.